Definition: Whinge is a slang term that means to complain or whine in a persistent or annoying way.
Use case: You can use whinge when someone is constantly complaining about something, often in a negative or unhelpful way. For example, "Stop whinging about the weather, there's nothing we can do about it!" or "He's always whinging about his job, but he never does anything to change it." It can also be used as a noun, such as "She's always having a whinge about something."
• Don't be such a whinger, it's not that bad.
• I'm sick of your whinging, just deal with it.
• Stop your incessant whinging and take some responsibility for your own life.
• She's such a whinger, always complaining about something or other.
• I can't stand it when people whinge about their problems without doing anything to solve them.
• He's always whinging about how hard his job is, but he doesn't realize how good he's got it.