Definition: "Steezy" is a slang term used to describe someone or something that is stylish and cool in a relaxed and effortless way.
Use case: You can use "steezy" to describe a person's fashion sense or overall demeanor. For example, you might say that someone's outfit is "steezy" if they're wearing comfortable clothes that look fashionable and put-together without seeming like they tried too hard. Alternatively, you might describe someone's skateboarding or snowboarding style as "steezy" if they're pulling off tricks in a smooth and effortless way that looks cool and stylish.
• That was a steezy move you just pulled off on the halfpipe!
• Her steezy style is what sets her apart from the rest of the competition.
• I can't believe how steezy that backside 180 was, he made it look effortless.
• He always dresses so steezy, with his oversized jackets and baggy pants.
• I'm trying to perfect my steezy grabs on my snowboard this season.
• She's got a steezy vibe about her, I like it.