"K" is a slang term used to mean "okay" or "alright."
Use case:
People use "k" in text messages or online chats to quickly acknowledge a message or to show agreement. For example, if someone asks if you want to meet up later, you can respond with "k" to indicate that you are okay with the plan.
• "I'm not about to deal with his drama today, so I just hit him with a quick 'k' and moved on with my day."
• "When my friend asked me if I wanted to hang out, I was feeling pretty tired so I just sent her a 'k' and said maybe another time."
• "I was trying to make plans with my sister, but she kept asking me unnecessary questions so I just sent a 'k' and waited for her to get to the point."
• "My boss sent me a long, rambling email about a project that I already knew everything about, so I just replied with a simple 'k' and got back to work."
• "My mom asked me if I wanted to go to the store with her, and I just replied with a 'k' because I was busy playing video games."
• "When my friend told me she was running late, I just sent her a 'k' to let her know that I got her message."