Definition: "Creep" is a slang term used to describe someone who behaves in a strange or uncomfortable way, often making others feel uneasy or scared.
Use case: You might use the term "creep" to describe someone who is staring at you for too long, following you around, or making inappropriate comments or gestures. It can also refer to someone who seems overly interested in your personal life or who invades your personal space without permission. Overall, the term "creep" is used to describe someone who makes others feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
• My little sister thinks spiders are creepy, but I think they're kind of cool.
• It's not cool to creep on people's social media profiles without their permission - it's an invasion of privacy.
• I don't like the way that guy keeps staring at me, he's kind of a creep.
• My ex-boyfriend turned out to be a total creep - he was stalking me and wouldn't leave me alone.
• I don't know why, but I always get a creepy vibe from that old abandoned house on the corner.
• I can't stand that guy, he's such a creep - always hitting on women and making them uncomfortable.