The idiom "thin on the ground" means that there is a shortage or a lack of something. It is often used to describe a situation where there are not enough people, resources, or opportunities available.
For example, if someone is looking for a job in a particular field and there are very few job openings, they might say that job opportunities are thin on the ground. Similarly, if a company is struggling to find qualified candidates for a job, they might say that good applicants are thin on the ground.
The phrase can also be used to describe physical objects or things. For instance, if a store is out of stock of a popular item, they might say that the item is thin on the ground.
Overall, "thin on the ground" is a useful idiom to describe a situation where there is a scarcity or a shortage of something.
• Jobs are thin on the ground in this town.
• Strong evidence to support this theory is thin on the ground.
• Opportunities for socializing are thin on the ground during lockdown.
• Good restaurants are thin on the ground in this area.
• Original ideas in this field are thin on the ground, making it difficult to innovate.
• Reliable sources for news are thin on the ground these days.