English Idioms from A-Z

Sweep Under The Rug

The idiom "sweep under the rug" means to hide or cover up something embarrassing or unpleasant, usually a mistake or a problem, in order to avoid dealing with it or to keep it secret. It is often used to describe a situation where someone tries to ignore or downplay a problem instead of addressing it directly.

For example, if a company discovers that one of its employees has been embezzling money, but instead of reporting it to the authorities, they simply fire the employee and try to keep it quiet, they are "sweeping it under the rug."

This idiom can also be used in personal situations, such as when someone tries to avoid dealing with a difficult issue in a relationship or family situation.

In general, "sweeping something under the rug" is not a good idea, as it can lead to bigger problems down the line. It is usually better to address problems directly and find a solution, rather than trying to hide them.

The usage of the idiom 'Sweep Under The Rug' in a sentence

• The government officials tried to sweep the corruption allegations under the rug, but the media exposed the truth.

• It's time to stop sweeping systemic issues under the rug and take concrete actions to address them.

• I accidentally broke a vase, but I swept the pieces under the rug so my parents wouldn't find out.

• The company tried to sweep the scandal under the rug instead of addressing it directly.

• The CEO's unethical behavior was swept under the rug for years until a whistleblower came forward.

• It's easier to sweep problems under the rug, but it's better to face them head-on and find a solution.

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