English Idioms from A-Z

Stumbling Block

The idiom "stumbling block" refers to an obstacle or difficulty that prevents someone from achieving their goal or completing a task. It can also refer to a person or thing that causes problems or delays progress.

For example, if someone is trying to quit smoking but their friends keep offering them cigarettes, their friends are a stumbling block to their goal. Similarly, if a company is trying to launch a new product but keeps running into technical issues, those issues are stumbling blocks to the product's success.

The term "stumbling block" is often used in situations where someone is facing a challenge or obstacle that is preventing them from moving forward. It can also be used to describe a person or thing that is causing problems or delays.

In summary, the idiom "stumbling block" is used to describe an obstacle or difficulty that is preventing someone from achieving their goal or completing a task.

The usage of the idiom 'Stumbling Block' in a sentence

• The cultural differences between the two countries were a significant stumbling block in the negotiations.

• Lack of funds has become a stumbling block for the company's expansion plans.

• Misunderstandings between team members have been a stumbling block in completing the project on time.

• His stubbornness proved to be a stumbling block in reaching a compromise.

• My fear of public speaking is a stumbling block for me to give a speech.

• The language barrier was a stumbling block for me to communicate with the locals during my trip.

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