English Idioms from A-Z

Speak Of The Devil

The idiom "speak of the devil" is used when someone is talking about a person and that person suddenly appears. It means that the person being talked about has arrived or has been mentioned at the same time.

For example, if you were talking about your friend John and he suddenly walks into the room, you could say "speak of the devil" to express surprise at his sudden appearance.

The phrase is often used in a lighthearted or humorous way, and it can also be used to acknowledge the coincidence of the situation.

It's important to note that "speak of the devil" can be considered a bit informal or even impolite in some situations, so it's best to use it with friends or in casual settings.

The usage of the idiom 'Speak Of The Devil' in a sentence

• I was just thinking about how much I miss my hometown and, speak of the devil, I received a call from my sister who still lives there.

• I was just wondering if I would ever run into my old boss again, and speak of the devil, they walked into the restaurant.

• Speak of the devil, I was just talking about my ex-boyfriend and he walked into the coffee shop.

• Speak of the devil, my friend just arrived!

• I almost forgot about the meeting today, and speak of the devil, I received a reminder email just in time.

• Speak of the devil, the politician we were just discussing has just arrived at the event.

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