English Idioms from A-Z

Sold On Something

The idiom "sold on something" means that you are convinced or persuaded to believe in something or to buy something. It is often used when someone is enthusiastic about a product, idea, or concept and has made a decision to support or purchase it.

For example, if someone says "I'm sold on this new phone," it means that they have decided to buy it because they believe it is a good product. Or if someone says "I'm sold on the idea of traveling the world," it means that they are convinced that traveling the world is a good idea and they want to do it.

The idiom can also be used in a negative sense, such as "I'm not sold on this new restaurant," which means that the person is not convinced that the restaurant is good and does not want to try it.

Overall, "sold on something" is a common idiom used to express conviction or persuasion towards a product, idea, or concept.

The usage of the idiom 'Sold On Something' in a sentence

• I am sold on the idea of having pizza for dinner tonight!

• I was skeptical about the new workout routine, but after trying it for a week, I am sold on it and I can already see the results.

• My sister is sold on the new skincare product she bought and she says it's working wonders for her skin.

• The company's CEO is sold on the benefits of remote work and has decided to make it a permanent option for employees.

• After watching the movie, I am sold on the lead actor's acting skills.

• As a travel blogger, I am sold on the beauty of Italy and I cannot wait to visit again.

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