The idiom "pet peeve" refers to something that annoys or bothers a person. It is a minor issue or habit that someone finds particularly irritating or frustrating.
For example, someone may have a pet peeve about people chewing with their mouth open or not using turn signals while driving. It is a personal annoyance that may not bother others as much, but it can still cause frustration or discomfort for the person experiencing it.
You can use the phrase "pet peeve" when talking about things that bother you or when asking someone else about their own annoyances. It is a casual and informal expression that is commonly used in everyday conversations.
• My pet peeve is when people use their phones during a movie at the cinema.
• It's my biggest pet peeve when someone chews with their mouth open.
• My pet peeve is when people talk while I'm trying to watch TV.
• It's my pet peeve when someone doesn't clean up after themselves in the kitchen.
• It's a major pet peeve of mine when people don't use turn signals while driving.
• One of my pet peeves is when people don't hold the door open for others behind them.
• It's a pet peeve of mine when people use "literally" to mean "figuratively", it's such a misuse of the word.
• My biggest pet peeve is when people are consistently late without a valid reason.
• My pet peeve is when people chew their food with an open mouth.
• One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don't clean up after their pets.
• One of my pet peeves is when people don't use turn signals while driving.
• It's really a pet peeve of mine when someone interrupts me when I'm speaking.