English Idioms from A-Z

Not Ready For Prime Time

The idiom "not ready for prime time" means that something or someone is not yet fully developed or prepared for public presentation or use. It suggests that the thing or person is not yet at a level of quality or readiness that is suitable for a wider audience or more serious consideration.

This phrase originally comes from the world of television, where "prime time" refers to the hours of the day when the most viewers are watching. Shows that are not yet polished or professional enough to be aired during prime time are often relegated to less popular time slots or not shown at all.

In everyday language, "not ready for prime time" can be used to describe anything that is not yet fully developed or prepared, such as a new product that still needs testing or a person who is not yet skilled enough to perform a task. It can also be used humorously to describe something that is particularly amateurish or poorly executed.

For example, if someone is trying to cook a fancy meal but keeps burning the food, you might say, "Your cooking skills are not ready for prime time yet!" Or if a company releases a new software program that is full of bugs, you could say, "This program is clearly not ready for prime time."

The usage of the idiom 'Not Ready For Prime Time' in a sentence

• The actor's performance was not ready for prime time, as he kept forgetting his lines and stumbling on stage. (meaning not suitable for a major production)

• I presented my research paper at the conference, but the audience asked so many questions that I realized it was not ready for prime time. (meaning it needs more work)

• I showed my painting to the art gallery, but they said it's not ready for prime time yet. (meaning it's not good enough to be exhibited)

• I tried to make a cake for my friend's birthday, but it was not ready for prime time. (meaning it didn't turn out well)

• The new employee made so many mistakes, his work was not ready for prime time. (meaning not up to a professional standard)

• The company's new software was not ready for prime time, as it had too many bugs and glitches. (meaning not ready for release to the public)

• While the startup has a great idea, their product is not ready for prime time yet. They need to fix some bugs and improve the user experience.

• The new employee's presentation was full of errors and lacked coherence. Their work is not ready for prime time.

• I tried to cook dinner for the first time, but it was a disaster. My cooking skills are not ready for prime time.

• The artist's latest exhibition was poorly curated and lacked direction. It was not ready for prime time and received negative reviews.

• My friend has been practicing guitar for a month, but his playing is still not ready for prime time.

• The politician's campaign promises were vague and lacked substance. They were not ready for prime time and were criticized by the media.

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