English Idioms from A-Z

Green Around The Gills

The idiom "green around the gills" is used to describe someone who looks ill or nauseous. The phrase comes from the appearance of a person's face when they are feeling sick, which can turn pale or greenish in color around the cheeks and chin.

You can use this idiom to describe someone who is feeling unwell, especially if they look like they might vomit. For example, if your friend has eaten something bad and they look pale and sick, you could say "You look a bit green around the gills, are you feeling okay?"

It's important to note that this idiom is informal and should only be used in casual situations. It's not appropriate to use in professional or formal settings.

The usage of the idiom 'Green Around The Gills' in a sentence

• Despite having years of experience, even the seasoned astronaut felt green around the gills during his first space mission.

• I can't eat that sushi, it makes me feel green around the gills.

• She looked green around the gills before her job interview, but after a few deep breaths, she regained her composure.

• The rough sea made most of the passengers on the boat green around the gills, but some of them managed to keep their lunch down.

• After the roller coaster ride, my friend was green around the gills and had to sit down for a while.

• The thought of public speaking always makes me feel green around the gills, but I know I have to do it for my career.

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