English Idioms from A-Z

Get Bent Out Of Shape

The idiom "get bent out of shape" means to become overly upset, angry, or agitated about something that may not be worth getting upset about. It is often used to describe someone who is overreacting to a situation or taking something too seriously.

For example, if someone gets upset because their favorite restaurant is closed for the day, you could say "don't get bent out of shape, we can go somewhere else." Or if someone becomes angry because they received a small parking ticket, you could say "don't get bent out of shape, it's just a small fine."

The phrase "get bent" is considered a rude or vulgar way of telling someone to go away or leave you alone. However, when used in the idiom "get bent out of shape," it does not have the same negative connotation.

Overall, "get bent out of shape" is a casual and informal expression that is often used in everyday conversations.

The usage of the idiom 'Get Bent Out Of Shape' in a sentence

• He got bent out of shape when he found out he didn't get the job.

• I don't get bent out of shape easily.

• My boss always gets bent out of shape when I'm late for work.

• My mom always gets bent out of shape when I forget to call her.

• Don't get bent out of shape, it's just a small mistake.

• I don't understand why you're getting so bent out of shape about this, it's not that big of a deal.

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