English Idioms from A-Z

Elephant In The Room

The idiom "elephant in the room" refers to a situation or problem that everyone is aware of, but no one wants to talk about or acknowledge. It is a metaphorical way of describing an issue that is too big or uncomfortable to ignore, yet people pretend it doesn't exist.

For example, imagine a family gathering where everyone knows that one of the relatives has a drinking problem, but no one wants to bring it up or address it. The drinking problem is the "elephant in the room" that everyone is aware of, but no one wants to talk about.

This idiom is used to draw attention to a problem or issue that needs to be addressed but is being ignored. It can be used in a variety of situations, such as in the workplace, social gatherings, or even in personal relationships.

In summary, the idiom "elephant in the room" is used to describe a situation or problem that is obvious but is being ignored or avoided. It is a way of highlighting the need to address the issue and bring it out into the open.

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