English Idioms from A-Z

Cherry Pick

The idiom "cherry-pick" means to selectively choose the best or most desirable items or options from a larger group, while ignoring the rest. This expression is often used in situations where someone is choosing only the most favorable or advantageous options, rather than considering all the available choices.

For example, a coach might be accused of cherry-picking the best players for the team, rather than giving everyone a fair chance. A politician might be accused of cherry-picking statistics to support their argument, while ignoring other data that contradicts their position.

In everyday conversations, you might use this idiom when someone is being selective in their choices or actions. For instance, if a friend only chooses to hang out with certain people at a party, you could say they are cherry-picking their friends.

Overall, "cherry-pick" is a useful idiom to describe situations where someone is being selective or biased in their decision-making process.

The usage of the idiom 'Cherry Pick' in a sentence

• My boss cherry-picked only the positive feedback from the customer reviews.

• The politician cherry-picked the data to support his argument.

• The coach decided to cherry-pick the best players for the national team.

• It's easy to cherry-pick examples that support your argument, but it's important to consider all the evidence.

• The company was accused of cherry-picking the most profitable accounts and neglecting the less profitable ones.

• It's unfair to cherry-pick the data to support your argument and ignore the rest.

• The journalist was accused of cherry-picking quotes from the interview to create a misleading story.

• I like to cherry-pick the best apples from the basket to eat.

• I like to cherry-pick the best fruits from the basket.

• My boss always cherry-picks the best projects for himself and leaves the rest for us.

• The political party was accused of cherry-picking the promises they made during the campaign and not fulfilling them.

• The professor criticized the research paper for cherry-picking the evidence and not presenting a comprehensive analysis of the topic.

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