The idiom "change of heart" means to change one's opinion or attitude about something or someone. It refers to a sudden shift in one's perspective or feelings towards a particular situation or person.
For example, if someone was previously against a particular idea or person, but suddenly starts supporting it or them, we can say that they have had a change of heart.
This idiom is often used to describe a significant shift in someone's beliefs or emotions, especially when it comes to important decisions or relationships. It can also be used to describe a sudden change in behavior or actions towards something or someone.
Overall, the phrase "change of heart" is a common way to describe a sudden and significant shift in someone's opinion, attitude, or feelings towards something or someone.
• At first, I was hesitant to support the new policy, but after seeing the positive effects it had on the community, I had a change of heart.
• For years, I held a grudge against my ex-partner, but after attending therapy and working on forgiveness, I had a change of heart and was able to move on with my life.
• I used to hate broccoli, but after trying it with cheese sauce, I had a change of heart.
• Initially, I didn't agree with my friend's political views, but after hearing their well-reasoned arguments and doing my own research, I had a change of heart and now we have respectful debates.
• I never thought I would like country music, but after attending a concert with my friends, I had a change of heart and now I listen to it all the time.
• I always thought that studying abroad was not for me, but after researching about the different programs and opportunities, I had a change of heart and decided to apply.