English Idioms from A-Z

Big Brother

The idiom "big brother" refers to a person or organization that has authority and control over others, often in a way that is intrusive or oppressive. It comes from the novel "1984" by George Orwell, in which the government is called "Big Brother" and is always watching and controlling the citizens.

We use this idiom when we want to describe a situation where someone is monitoring or controlling others, especially in a way that is unwanted or unfair. For example, a boss who constantly checks on their employees and doesn't let them make their own decisions could be called a "big brother." Similarly, a government that monitors its citizens' every move and restricts their freedoms could also be referred to as a "big brother."

In everyday conversation, we might use this idiom to describe situations where we feel like someone is watching us or controlling us too much. For example, if a parent is always checking up on their child and not giving them any privacy, the child might say "I feel like you're my big brother!" to express their frustration.

Overall, the idiom "big brother" is used to describe situations where someone has too much control or authority over others, and it can be used in a variety of contexts to describe different types of relationships or power dynamics.

The usage of the idiom 'Big Brother' in a sentence

• I have a big brother who always helps me with my homework.

• Some people argue that social media companies are becoming like big brothers, tracking our every move and influencing our behavior.

• The novel "1984" by George Orwell portrays a dystopian society where the government is like a big brother, controlling every aspect of people's lives.

• My big brother is very protective of me, especially when we go out at night.

• In some countries, the government is like a big brother, always watching and controlling its citizens.

• She feels like her boss is acting like a big brother, always telling her what to do and how to do it.

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