English Idioms from A-Z

Against The Run Of Play

The idiom "against the run of play" is commonly used in sports, especially in football (soccer). It means that something unexpected happens that goes against the flow of the game or the expected outcome.

For example, if one team is dominating the game and creating many scoring opportunities, but the other team scores a goal, it can be said that the goal was against the run of play. This is because it was unexpected and went against the flow of the game.

The idiom can also be used in other contexts, such as in a business meeting or a political debate. If one person is dominating the conversation and seems to be winning the argument, but then someone else makes a strong point that changes the course of the discussion, it can be said that the point made was against the run of play.

In summary, "against the run of play" means something unexpected that goes against the flow of the situation. It is often used in sports, but can also be used in other contexts.

The usage of the idiom 'Against The Run Of Play' in a sentence

• The goal scored by the away team came against the run of play, surprising everyone in the stadium.

• Despite playing well, the home team conceded a goal against the run of play.

• The underdogs managed to win the game against the run of play, much to the disappointment of the fans of the opposing team.

• Against the run of play, the small team won the game against the favorites.

• The team's victory against the run of play was largely due to the excellent performance of their goalkeeper.

• The coach was pleased with the team's ability to turn the game around and win against the run of play, showing their resilience and determination.

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