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Wound Definition & Meaning

1. A physical injury to the body, typically involving a break in the skin or tissue.

Example: She suffered a deep wound on her leg after falling off her bike.

2. A psychological or emotional injury, often caused by a traumatic experience.

Example: The soldier returned from war with deep wounds that would take years to heal.

3. To inflict harm or injury upon someone or something.

Example: The harsh words wounded her deeply.

4. A damage or injury to something, such as a reputation or relationship.

Example: The scandal caused a wound to the company's reputation.

5. A tight or restrictive bandage applied to a wound to promote healing.

Example: The nurse applied a clean dressing and wound the bandage tightly around the patient's arm.

Examples of the word wound used in sentences.

  • The doctor used a bandage to cover the wound on my hand.
  • I have a wound on my knee from falling down.
  • Her wound started to heal after applying medicine.
  • The soldier had a serious wound from the battle.
  • He was careful not to touch his wound while changing the dressing.
  • It took a few weeks for the wound on my knee to heal completely.
  • The doctor cleaned and dressed the wound on the child's forehead.
  • The soldier was shot and had a deep wound on his leg.
  • She felt a sharp pain and realized that she had a small wound on her finger.
  • Yesterday, I accidentally wounded my hand with a kitchen knife.
  • He winced in pain as the doctor removed the stitches from his surgical wound.
  • The deep wound on the tree trunk was evidence of the bear's claw marks.
  • She cleaned and bandaged the small wound on her son's knee after he fell off his bike.
  • The soldier was awarded a Purple Heart medal for the wound he sustained during combat.
  • Karen's emotional wound was still fresh after her recent breakup with her boyfriend.
  • Her emotional wound caused by the betrayal of her best friend took a long time to heal.
  • The wound on his leg caused him immense pain, but he refused to take any painkillers.
  • The doctor advised him to get a tetanus shot after getting a deep wound from stepping on a rusty nail.
  • After cleaning the wound with antiseptic, the nurse applied a sterile dressing to help it heal faster.
  • The soldier was still recovering from a serious gunshot wound he sustained during combat.
  • Despite the wound on her hand, she managed to finish the race and crossed the finish line with a smile.
  • The wound on his leg was deep and required immediate medical attention.
  • The company's poor decision-making has left a wound in the trust of its employees.
  • Her emotional wounds from the past still haunt her to this day.
  • The soldier bravely continued to fight even with a wound to his shoulder.
  • The soldier's wounds were severe, but he remained strong and positive during his recovery.
  • The company's reputation was deeply wounded by the scandal, and it took years to rebuild trust with their customers.
  • Despite the wound on his leg, the athlete pushed through the pain and crossed the finish line.
  • The surgeon carefully closed the wound with stitches and advised the patient to rest for a few days.
  • The emotional wound from the breakup was still raw, but she tried her best to move on and heal.
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