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Worse Definition & Meaning

1. More unpleasant or unfavorable than something else.

Example: The weather today is worse than yesterday.

2. Lower in quality or standard than something else.

Example: The food at this restaurant is worse than the food at the one down the street.

3. More serious or severe than something else.

Example: His injury got worse after he tried to play basketball again.

4. More difficult or challenging than something else.

Example: This math problem is worse than the one we did yesterday.

5. More harmful or damaging than something else.

Example: Smoking is worse for your health than not exercising.

Examples of the word worse used in sentences.

  • The weather forecast says it will be worse tomorrow, so bring an umbrella. (weather)
  • I thought I was good at cooking, but this is my worst attempt. (skills)
  • I know you're sad, but making yourself miserable will only make things worse. (emotions)
  • My phone battery is worse than I thought! It's already dead after just an hour. (technology)
  • My headache is getting worse and I need to lie down now. (health)
  • My headache is getting worse, I think I need to take a painkiller.
  • Traffic in this city is worse during rush hour, you should plan accordingly.
  • My grades are getting worse, I need to study harder and ask for help.
  • It's worse to have no friends at all than have fake ones, don't you think?
  • I didn't expect the weather to get worse so quickly, it's raining heavily now.
  • The weather forecast for tomorrow is even worse than today.
  • My headache is getting worse, I think I need to go to the doctor.
  • The economic situation in the country is becoming worse day by day.
  • John's health is worse now than it was a year ago.
  • The cost of living is getting worse every year.
  • The traffic on this road is getting worse every day.
  • His behavior is becoming worse and worse with each passing day.
  • The economic situation in the country is getting worse by the minute.
  • My sore throat is getting worse, I think I need to see a doctor.
  • I thought yesterday was bad, but today's weather is even worse.
  • The recent financial crisis has put many families in a worse financial position than they were before. (economics)
  • The new job was a worse fit for her skill set than she initially thought, and she's been struggling to keep up. (career)
  • The symptoms of the virus have taken a turn for the worse, and he's now being hospitalized. (medical)
  • The pollution levels in the city have gotten worse over the last few years, leading to environmental concerns. (environment)
  • The situation has gone from bad to worse, with no sign of improvement in sight. (general)
  • The political climate seems to be getting worse with each passing day, as tensions and division continue to rise.
  • The damage caused by the hurricane was much worse than initially anticipated, leaving many without homes or power.
  • Although the patient's symptoms seemed manageable at first, they have since gotten worse, prompting further medical intervention.
  • Despite previous efforts to improve the situation, it appears that the economic condition of the country only got worse.
  • Some people believe that technology is only making our social skills worse, as we rely more on screens than face-to-face interactions.
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