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Weather Definition & Meaning

1. The state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, including temperature, precipitation, and wind.

Example: The weather forecast predicts heavy rain for tomorrow.

2. The prevailing conditions or circumstances of a particular situation.

Example: The team's success will depend on the weather of their opponent's defense.

3. To withstand or endure a difficult situation.

Example: The company weathered the economic recession by cutting costs and increasing efficiency.

4. To discolor or change the texture of an object due to exposure to the elements.

Example: The wooden deck had weathered over time and needed to be stained again.

5. To expose or leave something outside to the elements.

Example: The farmer weathered his crops by leaving them in the field until they were ready to be harvested.

Examples of the word weather used in sentences.

  • It's raining heavily outside, bring an umbrella with you.
  • I love sunny weather, it makes me feel happy.
  • What is the weather like today?
  • The cold weather makes me want to stay indoors and watch a movie.
  • I'm not used to this hot weather, I need to drink more water.
  • I love playing sports outdoors, but the weather can really affect my performance.
  • I always check the weather forecast before planning a trip.
  • How's the weather over there? Is it raining like it is here?
  • My hometown is known for its unpredictable weather all year round.
  • The weather is so nice today, let's have a picnic in the park!
  • The cold weather is making me feel like I should stay in bed all day, but I have to go to work.
  • Yesterday's weather was unpredictable as we experienced both sunshine and heavy rain in a single day.
  • This is the perfect weather to go for a long walk as the sun is shining and there's a gentle breeze.
  • When planning a vacation, it's important to check the weather forecast to ensure that you don't get caught in a storm.
  • In the winter, the weather in my hometown can be extremely harsh with snow and frostbite warnings.
  • Extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes and tornadoes, can cause significant damage to homes and communities.
  • The weather forecast predicts a high chance of rain tomorrow afternoon.
  • Despite the harsh winter weather, the snow-covered mountains offered a stunning view.
  • The hot and humid weather in the summer makes it unbearable to stay indoors all day.
  • Climate change is a pressing issue that is causing unpredictable weather patterns around the world.
  • Despite the unpredictable weather, the outdoor concert was a massive success.
  • Being caught in a sudden snowstorm, we sought refuge in a nearby cabin until the weather cleared up.
  • While the weather was perfect for sunbathing, the strong currents made swimming in the ocean too dangerous.
  • With the extreme weather conditions worsening, the authorities declared a state of emergency in the affected areas.
  • The inclement weather did nothing to dampen our enthusiasm for exploring the national park.
  • The forest fire was worsened by the dry and hot weather, endangering the local wildlife and residents.
  • The farmers are concerned about the erratic weather patterns affecting their harvest and livelihood.
  • The unpredictable weather always keeps me on my toes, especially during monsoon season.
  • She had to cancel her flight due to the harsh weather conditions, leaving her stranded at the airport.
  • The extreme weather conditions make it difficult for us to plan outdoor activities.
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