My sister likes to watch romantic movies on the weekends.
I always watch the news on TV before I go to bed.
I need to watch my spending this month because I have a lot of bills to pay.
Can you watch my bag for a moment while I go to the bathroom?
My friend and I are going to watch the football game at the stadium next weekend.
My dad bought me a new watch for my birthday present.
I always watch my favorite TV shows on weekends.
It's important to watch your step when walking on a slippery surface.
I like to watch the clouds and imagine different shapes.
Can you watch my dog for me while I'm out of town?
Could you watch my bag while I go get a coffee?
We should watch our spending habits if we want to save money.
My mother loves to watch cooking shows to get recipe ideas.
I'm not a big fan of horror movies, so I won't be watching that with you.
I always watch the news every morning when I wake up.
Tony had to watch his budget closely in order to save enough money for his dream vacation.
Sarah decided to watch a romantic comedy on Netflix to unwind after a long day at work.
The security guard asked everyone to watch their step as the floors had just been polished.
As an avid sports fan, John always makes sure to watch his favorite team's matches during the season.
The teacher reminded her students to watch their grammar and spelling when completing their assignments.
As a passionate animal rights activist, Sarah spends much of her free time watching documentaries on endangered species and their conservation.
After getting lost in the woods for hours, Jake breathed a sigh of relief when he finally spotted a watchtower protruding from the trees.
Despite being a grown adult, Jane still enjoys indulging in her passion for anime and spending hours watching her favorite shows.
Watching the sunset over the ocean, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer beauty of nature.
The detective watched with a critical eye as the suspect nervously fidgeted and avoided making eye contact during the interrogation.
As the sun began to set over the desert, the group gathered around to watch the stars come out one by one in the clear night sky.
After years spent studying the workings of the human brain, the scientist was finally able to watch a neuron in action through the microscope.
Though he had been warned not to watch the eclipse without proper protection, he couldn't resist stealing a quick glimpse.
Despite the danger, the firefighters were determined to watch over the smouldering remnants of the building until the last ember was out.
As a seasoned journalist, she has learned to watch for the subtle cues that can indicate a story is about to break.