You can communicate with me via text message or phone call.
I bought this dress online via the shopping website.
I sent the message via email to my friend.
You can reach the destination via train or bus.
She shared the photos with me via social media.
We can book the tickets for the concert via the official website.
I sent the report to my boss via email yesterday.
You can contact her via her personal phone number.
The package will be delivered via courier service to your address.
Can we get to the airport via public transportation?
I usually communicate with my colleagues via email or phone.
You can reach the city center via the metro or bus.
I ordered my groceries online and they were delivered via a courier service.
She sent me the file via Dropbox so I could view it from my phone.
The news about the event was announced via social media platforms.
I contacted the customer service via email to inquire about the product's availability.
We are planning to travel to Europe via a cruise ship next summer.
The company updated its privacy policy via a notification on their website.
We can share the file with you via a secure online platform.
The fastest way to get to the city center is via the subway.
The researcher obtained valuable data for his study via careful experimentation and thorough analysis.
Via email, the company informed us about the change in the schedule for the upcoming meeting.
Via social media, the young activist campaigned for gender equality and women's rights.
The traveler arrived at his destination via a scenic route, enjoying the breathtaking scenery along the way.
Via Skype, the long-distance couple kept in touch and maintained their relationship despite the physical distance between them.
The architect shared the building design plans with the client via a virtual meeting.
The artist gained worldwide recognition via social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook.
Medical professionals often communicate important patient information via secure messaging systems.
The travel agent suggested we book our flights to Europe via a stopover in Asia.
The company's CEO announced the latest acquisition via a press release.