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Vegetable Definition & Meaning

1. A plant or part of a plant that is used as food.

Example: Carrots are a popular vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked.

2. A person who is inactive or lacks mental or physical energy.

Example: After a long day at work, i feel like a vegetable and just want to relax on the couch.

3. A person who is in a coma or vegetative state.

Example: The accident left him in a vegetative state for months before he finally woke up.

4. A term used to describe a political party that is not aligned with either the left or right wing.

Example: The green party is often considered a vegetable party because of their focus on environmental issues.

5. A term used in cooking to refer to the process of cutting vegetables into small, uniform pieces.

Example: The recipe calls for the vegetables to be diced before adding them to the soup.

Examples of the word vegetable used in sentences.

  • My favourite vegetable is broccoli because it is delicious and healthy.
  • I don't like to eat vegetables that are overcooked and mushy.
  • Carrots, cucumbers and bell peppers are colourful vegetables that make a dish look attractive.
  • I like to eat vegetables every day.
  • Tomatoes and lettuce are vegetables that I put in my salad.
  • I prefer vegetable pizza over the ones with meat toppings.
  • I love eating boiled vegetables with my steak.
  • We grew a variety of vegetables in our community garden, including carrots and cucumbers.
  • My sister always includes vegetables in her breakfast omelet.
  • The vegetable soup at the restaurant is my favorite dish on the menu.
  • Some people think that eating vegetable-based dishes is not satisfying, but I always feel full and energized after a good vegetable soup.
  • My favorite vegetable is broccoli, especially when it's roasted with olive oil and garlic.
  • I usually eat a lot of vegetable salads during the summer months to stay healthy.
  • In my hometown, we have a tradition of making mixed vegetable pickles that are a delicious and healthy snack.
  • I'm trying to cut down on meat consumption, so I've been experimenting with different vegetable-based recipes lately.
  • Vegetables like kale, broccoli, and spinach are excellent options for those looking to boost their fiber intake.
  • My mother always insists on adding a side of vegetables to our meals as a way of ensuring we get our daily dose of greens.
  • I always add a range of colorful vegetables to my stir-fries for a healthy and balanced meal.
  • Growing your own vegetable garden is not only satisfying but also helps reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Vegetables are a great source of essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
  • I've been experimenting with new ways to prepare vegetables, such as roasting them with herbs and spices for added flavor.
  • As a vegan, I always make sure to include a variety of vegetables in my meals to ensure I receive all necessary nutrients.
  • The farmers' market is my favorite place to find fresh, locally grown vegetables to add to my dishes.
  • While I enjoy indulging in a juicy steak every now and then, I always feel better after consuming a meal packed with colorful vegetables.
  • When I'm feeling under the weather, I find that a hearty vegetable soup always helps me feel better.
  • In Asia, stir-fried vegetables are a common side dish and an excellent way to add color and flavor to any meal.
  • A farmer's market is the perfect place to find fresh, locally-grown vegetables that are not only delicious but also sustainable and eco-friendly.
  • As a vegan, I try to incorporate a variety of vegetables into my meals to ensure that my diet is well-balanced and nutritious.
  • The Michelin-starred restaurant in the city center crafts exquisite vegetable dishes that are a hit among the health-conscious diners.
  • My doctor advised me to increase my intake of leafy green vegetables to improve my immunity and prevent chronic diseases in the long run.
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