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Useless Definition & Meaning

1. Not serving any purpose or function.

Example: The broken clock on the wall is useless.

2. Having no value or benefit.

Example: The old computer is useless for running modern software.

3. Ineffective or incapable of achieving a desired outcome.

Example: The medicine proved to be useless in treating the patient's condition.

4. Lacking skill or ability.

Example: He is a useless basketball player, unable to make a single shot.

5. Unhelpful or uncooperative.

Example: The customer service representative was useless in resolving my issue.

Examples of the word useless used in sentences.

  • This broken pencil is useless and cannot be used for writing anymore.
  • I don't like this app, it's useless and it crashes all the time.
  • The umbrella is useless when it is not raining outside.
  • I tried to fix my computer by myself but it was useless, I had to take it to a professional.
  • I find this old book to be useless, as it does not contain any relevant information.
  • Learning a foreign language without practicing conversation is useless.
  • This old phone is useless, I can't even take decent pictures with it.
  • This instruction manual for the new device is useless, I can't understand a thing.
  • I try not to waste time on useless arguments with my friends.
  • Worrying about what other people think is useless, just be yourself!
  • It's useless to argue with him; he never changes his mind.
  • His advice was useless, as it didn't help us solve the problem.
  • The broken vase was now useless, and it could no longer be used as a decoration.
  • I realized the course I paid for was useless, as I already knew everything it covered.
  • The old computer just sits in the corner, useless and taking up space.
  • I found the meeting to be useless because we didn't make any progress on the project.
  • The travel guide was useless because it didn't include any information about local customs and traditions.
  • The math course was useless to me because I already knew the material.
  • The instructions on the package were useless, and I couldn't figure out how to assemble the furniture.
  • The old phone was completely useless, and I had to buy a new one.
  • She tried to fix the broken vase with glue but it was useless; the pieces simply wouldn't hold together.
  • Despite his best efforts, the project was deemed useless by the higher-ups and was ultimately scrapped.
  • The outdated technology in our office is so useless that it takes twice as long to complete even simple tasks.
  • Sitting through that boring lecture was a useless waste of my time and I couldn't wait for it to end.
  • That old sports injury has left me with a useless knee that often gives out when I try to run or jump.
  • After trying several different remedies, John came to the conclusion that the over-the-counter medication was completely useless in treating his allergy symptoms.
  • The cotton candy machine we purchased for the party turned out to be useless, as it failed to spin any cotton candy at all.
  • Despite spending hours researching and preparing for the exam, Sarah found the textbook to be completely useless in helping her pass.
  • The customer service representative was so unhelpful that I found their assistance completely useless.
  • The old computer we inherited from the office was so slow and outdated that it was virtually useless for the tasks we needed to perform.
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