The kite flew upwards into the sky.
The company's profits are on an upwards trend this year.
The arrow pointed upwards on the map, indicating the direction to follow.
The temperature is slowly climbing upwards.
The number of visitors to the park is increasing upwards.
The number of employees in the company is upwards of 100.
She pushed the heavy box upwards onto the top shelf.
She looked upwards and saw a beautiful blue sky.
The price of oil has been steadily trending upwards over the past few months.
The temperature is slowly creeping upwards as the day progresses.
She put her hands upwards in the air to surrender to the police officer.
The number of tourists has been increasing upwards each year, making it a popular travel destination.
The stock market has been gradually moving upwards in the past few weeks.
The temperature is expected to rise upwards throughout the day, so it's best to stay hydrated.
The stock market has been moving upwards steadily for the past few months.
The temperature is expected to rise upwards of 90 degrees Fahrenheit today.
We had to climb upwards for two hours to reach the summit of the mountain.
The company's profits have been trending upwards since the introduction of their new product.
The athlete launched the ball upwards with great force, sending it soaring over the fence.
He had to tilt his head upwards to catch a glimpse of the beautiful bird perched on the tree.
The balloon soared upwards into the clear blue sky, carried by the wind.
The company's profits have been steadily increasing upwards over the past year.
The athlete's performance has been on an upwards trajectory since the start of the season.
The stock price has been trending upwards following positive earnings reports.
The temperatures are expected to rise upwards of 90 degrees Fahrenheit by midday.
The athlete's training regime involved several uphill sprints, an effective way to build upwards endurance.
The upward trend in climate change has made it imperative for us to take immediate action towards preserving our planet.
The company's profits have been steadily increasing upwards, year after year.
Despite the initial setbacks, his career graph has been moving upwards.
With the advent of technology, the world has taken several steps upwards towards progress.