I went to the party, but unwillingly because I had to finish my work.
The student listened to the lecture unwillingly because he was feeling tired.
Tom attended the meeting unwillingly because he had already made plans with his friends.
He agreed to help his friend move, but unwillingly because he had other plans.
She took the medicine unwillingly because she didn't like the taste.
He went to the dentist unwillingly, as he was terrified of the dentist's chair.
He ate the vegetable curry unwillingly, despite not being a fan of the dish.
They accepted the proposal unwillingly, since they were not convinced of its feasibility.
She apologized to her friend unwillingly, knowing that she was in the wrong.
I had to attend the party unwillingly since my boss invited me.
He unwililngly handed over the car keys, knowing he was not in a fit condition to drive.
The child unwililngly apologized for misbehaving, knowing he had hurt his friend's feelings.
She unwililngly accepted the job offer, knowing it would require her to move to a new city far from her family.
They unwililngly followed the strict diet regimen, even though it was hard to resist their favorite foods.
I unwililngly agreed to attend the party, despite my strong desire to stay home and relax.
I was unwillingly pulled into the heated debate between my two colleagues at work yesterday.
The student unwillingly admitted to cheating on the exam when confronted by the professor.
Sarah's father unwillingly handed over the keys to her car after noting her carelessness on the road.
The reckless driver was unwillingly stopped by the police officer at the end of the road.
Despite my lack of enthusiasm, I unwillingly agreed to accompany my friends to the new art exhibit.
Simon unwilfully accepted the promotion offer as he felt he wasn't ready for the role.
Tom was unwillingly forced to attend the meeting even though he had a prior engagement.
Mary was unwillingly dragged to the party by her friends, even though she was feeling tired.
Emily was unwillingly chosen to lead the group project, despite her lack of experience in the field.
Despite her initial reservations, Sarah was unwillingly persuaded to speak at the fundraising event.
The employee was unwillingly transferred to a different department, causing him to feel frustrated and resentful.
Despite his busy schedule, he unwillingly attended the meeting.
The athlete was unwillingly forced to retire due to his injuries.
She unwillingly agreed to compromise to avoid any further conflict.
Although she had little interest in the subject, she unwillingly took the course to fulfill her degree requirements.