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Unsuccessful Definition & Meaning

1. Not achieving the desired outcome or goal.

Example: The business venture was unsuccessful and resulted in a loss of investment.

2. Failing to meet expectations or standards.

Example: The athlete had an unsuccessful season and did not qualify for the championship.

3. Not producing the intended result or effect.

Example: The medication was unsuccessful in treating the patient's symptoms.

4. Lacking in accomplishment or achievement.

Example: The student had an unsuccessful academic year and did not pass any of their classes.

5. Ineffective or inefficient in achieving a particular purpose.

Example: The marketing campaign was unsuccessful in generating new customers for the company.

Examples of the word unsuccessful used in sentences.

  • Laura attempted to fix her bike, but she was unsuccessful, and the chain came off again.
  • I tried to bake a cake, but it was unsuccessful, and it didn't taste good.
  • James applied for a job, but he was unsuccessful because he didn't have enough experience.
  • Tom tried to learn how to play the guitar, but he was unsuccessful, and he couldn't even play a simple tune.
  • Emily attempted to pass her driving test, but she was unsuccessful, and she needs to practice more before trying again.
  • John felt disappointed after his unsuccessful attempt to repair his car's engine.
  • The company's new marketing strategy turned out to be unsuccessful as it failed to increase sales.
  • Lucy's attempt to bake a cake was unsuccessful as she forgot to add sugar to the batter.
  • My friend's job interview yesterday was unsuccessful, but he won't give up and will continue his search for a new role.
  • I was unsuccessful in finding my lost keys despite searching everywhere in my apartment.
  • The team's strategy was unsuccessful in achieving their goal.
  • The company's attempt to launch a new product was unsuccessful due to poor marketing.
  • Tom felt unsuccessful in his career and decided to take a break and reassess his goals.
  • Despite her efforts, she was unsuccessful in getting the job.
  • The athlete's unsuccessful attempts to break the record left him disappointed but determined to try again.
  • Despite being an excellent player, the team was unsuccessful in winning the championship due to poor teamwork.
  • Despite his best efforts, John was unsuccessful in securing the job he had interviewed for.
  • After several unsuccessful attempts at solving the math problem, I decided to seek help from my teacher.
  • The company's efforts to expand into new markets have been unsuccessful thus far, but they remain determined to succeed.
  • The company's new product launch was unsuccessful due to poor marketing strategies.
  • The politician's campaign was deemed unsuccessful due to his inability to connect with voters on a personal level.
  • After hours of studying, Sarah remained unsuccessful in solving the challenging math problem.
  • The company's unsuccessful attempt to launch a product left them facing a significant financial loss.
  • The artist's exhibition was unsuccessful in attracting a large audience, resulting in disappointment and frustration.
  • Despite her numerous attempts, she remained unsuccessful in securing a job in her desired field of work.
  • The artist's latest exhibition was an unsuccessful attempt to deviate from her usual style.
  • The negotiations for a peace treaty between the two countries were entirely unsuccessful, leading to further conflict.
  • After years of hard work, the athlete's bid for Olympic gold remained unsuccessful, leaving her feeling disheartened.
  • Due to the stormy weather, the rescue mission to find the missing hikers was unsuccessful.
  • Despite countless attempts, the CEO's efforts to restructure the company were ultimately unsuccessful.
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