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Ultimate Definition & Meaning

1. Ultimate means being the final or highest level of something.

Example: Winning the championship is the ultimate goal for any sports team.

2. Ultimate can also mean being the most extreme or intense form of something.

Example: The ultimate thrill ride at the amusement park is the roller coaster.

3. Ultimate can refer to something that is the best or most superior in its category.

Example: The ultimate gaming laptop has the fastest processor and the best graphics card.

4. Ultimate can mean being the most important or essential aspect of something.

Example: The ultimate key to success is hard work and determination.

5. Ultimate can also refer to something that is conclusive or definitive.

Example: The ultimate decision on the matter will be made by the board of directors.

Examples of the word ultimate used in sentences.

  • My ultimate favorite food is pizza, I could eat it every day.
  • My ultimate goal is to learn how to speak English fluently.
  • Driving a sports car is the ultimate driving experience for me.
  • The ultimate way to relax after a long day is to take a warm bath.
  • We went to New York City to experience the ultimate tourist destination.
  • Our ultimate decision was to go on a road trip to the beach for the weekend.
  • The ultimate satisfaction for me would be to see my children finish their education with flying colors.
  • The ultimate result of months of hard work was a beautiful garden filled with vibrant flowers.
  • The ultimate challenge for me was to climb to the top of the highest mountain in the area.
  • My ultimate goal is to become a successful entrepreneur one day.
  • As a travel enthusiast, visiting the Seven Wonders of the World is my ultimate dream.
  • To achieve ultimate satisfaction, you must learn to appreciate the little things in life.
  • The ultimate result of their hard work and dedication was a well-deserved promotion.
  • The ultimate decision lies in the hands of the jury as they deliberate on the fate of the accused.
  • My ultimate goal is to become a successful entrepreneur and make a positive impact in the world.
  • The ultimate solution to the current economic crisis will require a collective effort from all stakeholders.
  • The ultimate test of a true friendship is sticking by each other through thick and thin.
  • The ultimate goal of our project is to reduce carbon emissions by 30%.
  • The ultimate thrill for adrenaline junkies is to go bungee jumping from a high bridge.
  • For me, the ultimate vacation destination would be a remote tropical island.
  • After years of hard work and dedication, earning her PhD was the ultimate accomplishment for Jane.
  • The ultimate decision on this matter will be made by the board of directors and cannot be disputed.
  • A luxurious getaway to a private island would be the ultimate vacation for many people.
  • The ultimate goal of any athlete is to be the best in their sport and achieve greatness.
  • The ultimate betrayal was when her best friend slept with her husband.
  • For many athletes, winning an Olympic gold medal is the ultimate achievement in their respective sports.
  • As a food lover, I believe that the ultimate dining experience is a meal cooked by a Michelin-starred chef.
  • As a lifelong learner, I believe that the ultimate pursuit in life is the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.
  • The ultimate result of their hard work was a groundbreaking scientific discovery that would change the world.
  • After years of training, he finally achieved his ultimate goal of reaching the summit of Mount Everest.
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