The old building in the city is really ugly.
I don't like that shirt, it's very ugly.
I feel ugly today, I wish I could stay home.
The weather is so ugly today, it's cold and rainy.
My sister thinks spiders are ugly and scary.
I don't like eating broccoli, it looks ugly and I think it tastes even worse. (Food)
The weather outside today is so ugly, with dark clouds and heavy rain. (Weather)
I feel bad for saying this, but that puppy is so ugly, with his wrinkly face and floppy ears. (Animals)
My old shirt is really ugly, but it's so comfortable that I can't bring myself to throw it away. (Fashion)
That painting on the wall is so ugly, I can't stand to look at it anymore. (Art)
The pollution in the river has caused a lot of damage, and it's an ugly reminder of our neglect.
I tried on the dress, but it looked so ugly on me.
I can't believe she said that! Such an ugly thing to say.
I don't like to judge people based on their appearance, but his attitude turned him into an ugly person.
The abandoned building was an ugly sight for the neighborhood.
The divorce was an ugly and messy affair, leaving both parties drained and bitter.
She felt insecure about her appearance after being called ugly by some classmates.
Despite the ugly weather, they decided to go for a hike in the mountains.
The political scandal revealed an ugly underbelly of corruption within the government.
The graffiti on the walls made the neighborhood look incredibly ugly.
The once-beautiful city had become an ugly shadow of its former self, with crumbling buildings and neglected parks.
The jury reached an ugly verdict, sentencing the defendant to life in prison for his heinous crimes.
Despite her unpleasant personality, she was stunningly beautiful, making it difficult to overlook her ugly behavior.
It was an ugly scene when two fans from opposing teams started fighting during the soccer match.
She couldn't believe the ugly rumors that were circulating about her in the office after she got promoted.
Despite her outward beauty, her ugly personality was quickly revealed.
The city's rundown buildings created an ugly atmosphere in the once vibrant downtown area.
I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but the dress she chose was just plain ugly.
The company's recent scandal revealed an ugly truth about the corruption and greed in corporate culture.
It's a sad reality that people often judge others based on their outward appearance, even when it is ugly and superficial.