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Trace Definition & Meaning

1. A visible mark or sign left by something that has passed.

Example: The detective found a trace of blood on the carpet.

2. A small amount or indication of something.

Example: There was a trace of sadness in her voice.

3. To follow or track the course or progress of something.

Example: The hiker traced his steps back to the campsite.

4. To draw or outline something.

Example: She traced the outline of the flower onto the paper.

5. To discover or find the origin or source of something.

Example: The archaeologist traced the origins of the ancient artifact.

Examples of the word trace used in sentences.

  • I can trace my finger on the map to show where I live.
  • The detective tried to trace the criminal's whereabouts through his phone records.
  • The painting bears the trace of the artist's emotions.
  • Can you trace the footsteps in the sand to find the way back to the camp?
  • You can trace the history of this town back to the 14th century.
  • The archaeologist discovered a trace of ancient civilization in the ruins of the temple.
  • The doctor ordered a blood test to trace any possible infections in the patient's system.
  • There was a trace of disappointment on her face when she didn't get the job she wanted.
  • The detective spent hours trying to trace the suspect's steps through the city.
  • I can't seem to trace my keys, did you see them anywhere?
  • The historian attempted to trace the family tree of the royal bloodline.
  • She traced the outline of her hand on a piece of paper and turned it into a turkey.
  • The archaeologist uncovered a trace of ancient pottery in the ruins.
  • The detective tried to trace the suspect's movements on the night of the crime.
  • The doctor was able to trace the patient's allergy to a specific type of nut.
  • The book provided a trace of the author's personal life that was previously unknown to his readers. (Literature)
  • The patient's charts showed that the doctor had missed a trace of a vital symptom. (Medicine)
  • The art historian is trying to trace the origins of this mysterious painting. (Art)
  • I could still trace the faint outline of the old village despite the modern structures around it. (Geography)
  • The forensic team was able to trace the murderer's DNA from the victim's clothing. (Crime)
  • The archaeologists' excavation unearthed a trace of ancient civilization that had been buried for centuries.
  • The pastry chef carefully traced intricate patterns on the cake using a piping bag filled with icing.
  • The doctor asked the patient to trace their family's medical history to determine if there were any genetic predispositions to certain illnesses.
  • After months of investigation, the detectives were finally able to trace the whereabouts of the missing painting.
  • Even after years of living abroad, there are still traces of my native accent that I can't shake off.
  • The scientist discovered a trace amount of radiation in the soil, prompting further investigation into the source and potential impact.
  • The detective was able to trace the suspect's movements based on the footprints left behind in the snow.
  • The artist's brushstrokes traced delicate patterns across the canvas, creating a breathtaking masterpiece.
  • The computer program traced the hacker's IP address back to a remote location, facilitating their eventual arrest.
  • The historian spent years tracing the lineage of the royal family, piecing together the ancestral line through old records.
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