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Through Definition & Meaning

1. Moving in one side and out of the other side of an object or space.

Example: The bird flew through the window and into the room.

2. Continuing or progressing from beginning to end.

Example: We read through the entire book in one sitting.

3. By means of or using a particular method or medium.

Example: I communicated with my friend through text messages.

4. Expressing a sense of completion or finality.

Example: I am through with this project, and now i can relax.

5. Indicating a period of time during which an action or event occurs.

Example: The store is open monday through friday.

Examples of the word through used in sentences.

  • I see the world through my camera lens, capturing beautiful moments.
  • The train goes through the tunnel to reach the other side of the mountain.
  • I learned to speak Spanish by watching TV shows and practicing through conversation.
  • We can communicate through email or text message.
  • I walk through the park every morning.
  • She learned about different cultures by traveling through Asia.
  • I found my way through the maze with the help of a map.
  • I walked through the park to get to the grocery store.
  • They walked through the door and were surprised to see the party decorations.
  • We communicated with each other through email.
  • I was able to complete the project through sheer determination and perseverance.
  • The pandemic has caused a lot of people to struggle through financial difficulties.
  • The view of the sunset through the trees was absolutely breathtaking.
  • The football player managed to score a goal through the skillful maneuvering of the ball.
  • The company was able to reach a wider audience through their effective marketing strategies.
  • Despite all the obstacles she faced, she persevered and made it through the rigorous training program.
  • As a child, I used to walk through the forest near my house, marveling at the beauty of nature all around me.
  • She was able to see through his lies and manipulation, and decided to end the toxic relationship.
  • I learned a lot about ancient Rome through the historical documentaries I watched last weekend.
  • Through careful planning and execution, the team was able to complete the project ahead of schedule.
  • "The athlete pushed through the pain and exhaustion to finish the marathon."
  • "Through consistent practice, I was able to improve my fluency in a foreign language."
  • "After much research, the scientist was able to make a groundbreaking discovery through a new experimental method."
  • "The organization hopes to reach their fundraising goal through a series of charity events."
  • "Through her creativity and dedication, the artist was able to capture the essence of her subject in her latest masterpiece."
  • Through sheer determination and hard work, she managed to turn her small business into a multinational company.
  • The scientist's groundbreaking research has shed new light on the inner workings of the human brain, and has opened up new possibilities for understanding mental health through neuroscience.
  • During difficult times, music can provide a sense of comfort and solace through its lyrics and melodies.
  • Despite facing numerous obstacles, she pushed through and graduated with top honors from an Ivy League university.
  • The artist expressed his emotions and frustrations through his paintings, which were both powerful and evocative.
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