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Themselves Definition & Meaning

1. Themselves refers to a group of people or things as the object of a verb or preposition.

Example: The children dressed themselves for the party.

2. Themselves can be used to emphasize that a group of people or things are doing something without help.

Example: The birds built their nests themselves.

3. Themselves can be used reflexively to indicate that a person or thing is doing something to or for themselves.

Example: The cat groomed themselves after eating.

4. Themselves can be used to refer to a group of people or things as the subject of a sentence.

Example: Themselves and their families were all invited to the wedding.

5. Themselves can be used to indicate that a group of people or things are acting in a particular way that is characteristic of them.

Example: The team played like themselves and won the game.

Examples of the word themselves used in sentences.

  • The guests helped themselves to the food on the table.
  • The tourists took a photo of themselves in front of the Eiffel Tower.
  • The children are learning how to dress themselves.
  • The cats clean themselves by licking their fur.
  • They enjoyed themselves at the park.
  • My friends always help themselves to snacks from my kitchen.
  • Some people find it difficult to express themselves in front of others.
  • The workers organized themselves to complete the project on time.
  • They taught themselves how to play the guitar.
  • The children enjoyed playing by themselves in the park.
  • The students should learn how to manage their time effectively, so they can complete their assignments by themselves.
  • The company encourages employees to take care of themselves by adopting healthy habits and exercising regularly.
  • Many people have taken it upon themselves to help those affected by natural disasters by donating money or volunteering their time.
  • John and Jane decided to separate and live by themselves, as they realized they needed some time to reflect on their relationship.
  • It's important to remind children to be themselves and to embrace their unique qualities, rather than trying to fit in with the crowd.
  • The athletes pushed themselves to the limit during the competition to achieve their personal best.
  • The employees were encouraged to express themselves during the meeting in order to improve workplace communication.
  • The students took it upon themselves to clean up the park after the event.
  • Politicians often prioritize their own interests over those of the people they are supposed to represent, rather than serve the community themselves.
  • In order to be successful, individuals need to believe in themselves and their abilities.
  • The politicians were more concerned with promoting themselves than addressing the pressing issues facing their constituents.
  • The hikers found themselves lost in the wilderness with no supplies or means of communication.
  • The athletes pushed themselves to their limits in order to achieve their dream of competing in the Olympic Games.
  • Despite their initial reluctance, the employees took it upon themselves to organize a charity event for their local community.
  • The young children were eager to express themselves through various art forms, such as painting, drawing, and sculpture.
  • It is important for individuals to take time to check in with themselves and prioritize their mental health and well-being.
  • Even though they were under immense pressure, the athletes managed to compose themselves and perform their best.
  • The students decided to take charge of their own learning by challenging themselves with difficult concepts and pushing themselves to excel.
  • Despite their initial reluctance, the team eventually came to enjoy working together and found themselves achieving great success.
  • In order to truly understand the complexity of the issue, individuals must educate themselves by doing extensive research.
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