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Sympathy Definition & Meaning

1. Sympathy refers to the feeling of understanding and caring for someone who is experiencing a difficult situation.

Example: I have sympathy for my friend who lost their job.

2. Sympathy can also refer to the expression of support and concern for someone who is going through a tough time.

Example: I sent a sympathy card to my neighbor after their mother passed away.

3. Sympathy can mean the ability to share in someone else's emotions or feelings.

Example: I have sympathy for my sister because i know how it feels to be heartbroken.

4. Sympathy can refer to a feeling of agreement or alignment with someone's ideas or beliefs.

Example: I have sympathy for the environmental movement and their efforts to protect the planet.

5. Sympathy can mean a similarity or likeness between two things.

Example: There is a sympathy between the colors of the sunset and the flowers in the garden.

Examples of the word sympathy used in sentences.

  • She received a lot of sympathy from her colleagues when she got sick.
  • I have sympathy for people who have to work hard and get very little pay.
  • The teacher showed sympathy towards the student who was struggling with the lesson.
  • I feel sympathy for my friend who lost their pet cat yesterday.
  • We expressed our sympathy to the family of the accident victim.
  • She received a lot of sympathy from her colleagues when she was going through a tough time.
  • The teacher showed sympathy to the student who failed the test.
  • I have sympathy for my friend who lost her job.
  • The doctor expressed sympathy to the patient's family after the loss.
  • I feel sympathy for the homeless people living on the street.
  • Despite their differences, the two neighbors had a mutual sympathy for each other's struggles.
  • She couldn't help but feel sympathy when she heard the sad news about her friend's grandfather passing away.
  • I have great sympathy for people who have lost their jobs during the pandemic.
  • The teacher expressed sympathy for the student who had failed the exam and offered to help them prepare better.
  • It's natural to feel sympathy for someone who is going through a difficult time.
  • Despite their differences, the two political opponents expressed sympathy for the victims of the recent terrorist attack.
  • The young boy expressed his sympathy for the plight of the homeless population by donating his pocket money to a charity.
  • Mary showed great sympathy towards her friend, who was going through a tough time in her personal life.
  • The manager showed sympathy towards his employee's situation and gave her additional time off to care for her sick family member.
  • The refugee community expressed their gratitude for the host country's sympathy towards their plight and willingness to take them in.
  • As a doctor, it's important to have sympathy for your patients instead of just treating them like a number.
  • Despite my best efforts, I could not help but feel sympathy for the stray dog shivering in the cold.
  • The teacher showed sympathy towards the student who was struggling to keep up with the rest of the class.
  • The news of her friend's illness filled her with such sympathy that she could no longer focus on her work.
  • Not everyone is capable of showing sympathy towards others, but it's a human quality we should all strive to have.
  • Despite his misdeeds, I couldn't help feeling some sympathy towards him as I knew he had a troubled past.
  • The kind words and gestures from her colleagues at work expressed their sympathy towards her during difficult times.
  • It is important to have sympathy for others and try to understand their perspectives before judging them and their actions.
  • He showed great sympathy towards the victims of the natural disaster by volunteering and donating to help them rebuild their lives.
  • The heartfelt sympathy and condolences from everyone at the funeral were a source of comfort to the grieving family.
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