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Sudden Definition & Meaning

1. Happening quickly and unexpectedly.

Example: The sudden rainstorm caught us off guard.

2. Occurring abruptly and without warning.

Example: The sudden power outage left us in the dark.

3. Occurring without prior preparation or warning.

Example: The sudden arrival of unexpected guests left us scrambling to prepare.

4. Happening or appearing unexpectedly or without explanation.

Example: The sudden disappearance of the cat remains a mystery.

5. Occurring in a short amount of time or without delay.

Example: The sudden burst of energy allowed her to finish the race in record time.

Examples of the word sudden used in sentences.

  • The sudden sound of thunder scared the little children.
  • I felt a sudden drop in my stomach when I realized I forgot my phone at home.
  • The sudden rain ruined our outdoor picnic plans.
  • I had to brake suddenly when the car in front of me stopped abruptly.
  • The sudden power outage left us in the dark for hours.
  • The sudden power outage caused chaos in the busy office, leaving everyone without access to their computers.
  • As she was walking down the street, she suddenly realized that she had left her phone at home.
  • The sudden rainstorm caught me off guard, and I had to run to the nearest shelter to avoid getting soaked.
  • After years of being single, she met the love of her life at a sudden encounter in a coffee shop.
  • Out of nowhere, a sudden gust of wind knocked over the trash cans on the sidewalk.
  • The sudden heat wave in the middle of winter was quite unusual.
  • The sudden noise in the middle of the night made me jump out of bed.
  • She felt a sudden pang of guilt as she realized she had forgotten her friend's birthday.
  • The sudden gust of wind nearly knocked him off his feet.
  • The play had a sudden plot twist that caught the audience off guard.
  • The sudden appearance of a deer on the road caused the driver to swerve and narrowly avoid an accident.
  • The sudden drop in temperature caused me to regret leaving my jacket at home.
  • The sudden thunderstorm caught us off guard on our camping trip.
  • The sudden promotion at work came as a surprise, but I was thrilled nonetheless.
  • The sudden burst of laughter from the audience was music to the comedian's ears.
  • The sudden realization of how much time had passed made me feel anxious and regretful.
  • The sudden drop in temperature caught me off guard, and I regretted not bringing a coat.
  • My friend's sudden departure from the party left me feeling perplexed and disappointed.
  • A sudden gust of wind knocked over the stack of papers on my desk, and I scrambled to catch them before they flew away.
  • The sudden surge of adrenaline I felt when I saw the bear in the woods was both exhilarating and terrifying.
  • The sudden arrival of the storm caught us off guard.
  • The sudden burst of laughter from the audience was contagious.
  • The sudden resignation of the CEO shook the entire company.
  • The sudden realization that she had lost her phone sent her into a panic.
  • The sudden death of her father left a profound impact on her life.
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