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Strategy Definition & Meaning

1. A plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or objective.

Example: The company's strategy for increasing sales involves expanding into new markets.

2. The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle.

Example: The general developed a strategy to outflank the enemy and secure victory.

3. A long-term plan for achieving success in a particular field or endeavor.

Example: The athlete's strategy for winning the championship involves consistent training and careful preparation.

4. A method or approach for solving a problem or overcoming a challenge.

Example: The team's strategy for overcoming the opponent's defense involves quick passes and agile footwork.

5. A set of tactics or techniques used to achieve a desired outcome or result.

Example: The politician's strategy for winning the election involves appealing to a broad range of voters and emphasizing key issues.

Examples of the word strategy used in sentences.

  • The company's strategy for reducing waste includes recycling and composting.
  • Our soccer coach has a new strategy to win the game this weekend.
  • My boss told me her strategy for increasing sales this month.
  • I need a strategy for saving money so I can buy a new car.
  • My strategy for learning English includes practicing every day.
  • The company's strategy for expanding its business overseas was successful.
  • My strategy to keep fit is to run every morning before breakfast.
  • Her strategy for winning the chess tournament was to play aggressively.
  • In order to save money, my family has a strategy to buy groceries in bulk.
  • My study strategy for the upcoming exam is to make flashcards and review them daily.
  • The company's strategy to expand into new markets was successful due to thorough research and planning.
  • A good marketing strategy includes understanding the target audience and utilizing social media.
  • In order to win the game, the team needs to come up with a solid strategy that takes into account the opponent's strengths and weaknesses.
  • To achieve my career goals, I have a clear strategy that involves networking and upskilling.
  • A smart investment strategy involves diversifying your portfolio and regularly reviewing your assets.
  • "During the pandemic, many businesses have had to adapt their sales strategies to incorporate online platforms."
  • "In order to improve their financial standing, the company's board of directors has implemented a cost-cutting strategy."
  • "The government's new environmental strategy focuses on reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy sources."
  • "The company's new marketing strategy aims to target a younger demographic with social media advertising."
  • "To succeed in the competitive job market, it's important to have a solid career strategy in place."
  • Developing a sound strategy is key to achieving long-term success in business.
  • The company's strategy for increasing profits involved cost-cutting measures and expanding into new markets.
  • To win at chess, players must develop a strong opening strategy and adapt to their opponent's moves.
  • A good fitness strategy should encompass both exercise and a healthy diet.
  • The government's strategy for reducing carbon emissions includes investing in renewable energy and promoting public transportation.
  • The government's vaccination strategy was met with widespread disapproval among the public.
  • With a carefully crafted marketing strategy, the company was able to increase its revenue by 40% in just one year.
  • The athlete's winning strategy involved a combination of rigorous training, mental preparation, and a healthy diet.
  • In order to achieve success in the competitive industry, the CEO implemented a comprehensive growth strategy.
  • By adopting a more inclusive hiring strategy, the company was able to attract a more diverse workforce.
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