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Spot Definition & Meaning

1. A small, round mark or stain on a surface.

Example: There was a spot of ketchup on his shirt.

2. A particular place or location.

Example: Let's meet at our usual spot by the river.

3. A small area of a different color or texture on an animal's coat.

Example: The dalmatian had black spots on its white fur.

4. A period of time designated for a specific activity or event.

Example: The halftime show is a great spot for grabbing snacks.

5. To notice or identify something or someone.

Example: I spotted my friend in the crowd at the concert.

Examples of the word spot used in sentences.

  • The cat likes to nap in sunny spots by the window.
  • I found a spot on my shirt during lunch.
  • Can you help me find a good spot to take a photo?
  • The police officer noticed a suspicious spot on the car's bumper.
  • I saw a few spots of rain on the ground, but it didn't last long.
  • My friend said that she spotted a famous actor downtown yesterday. (Entertainment)
  • It's important to spot the warning signs of a stroke and act fast. (Health and safety)
  • The restaurant had a great spot by the river, with a beautiful view. (Tourism and travel)
  • I noticed a spot on my shirt and tried to get it out with some soap. (Household chores)
  • Can you please spot my keys? I can't find them anywhere! (Lost and found)
  • The chef spotted a mistake in the recipe and quickly made the necessary changes.
  • He's a sharp shooter and can spot a target from a mile away.
  • She was feeling under the weather and had a red spot on her forehead.
  • I found a spot to relax and read my book in the park.
  • Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?
  • My favorite spot in the park is near the fountain.
  • The detective managed to spot the suspect in the crowd.
  • The spot where the accident occurred was marked with a cone.
  • We were lucky to find a parking spot near the restaurant.
  • He is always looking for the perfect spot to take a photo.
  • The eagle eyed detective was able to spot the culprit from a distance.
  • The chef carefully curated every spot on the plate to create an aesthetically pleasing dish.
  • The company's marketing team was able to spot a gap in the market and launch a successful product.
  • As I was walking through the forest, I spotted a family of deer grazing peacefully.
  • The beach was a popular spot for tourists to enjoy the sun and sand.
  • The detective was able to spot the crucial clue that unlocked the mystery of the missing artwork.
  • It was easy to spot the telltale signs of a scam when I received the suspicious email.
  • Despite her attempts to hide her emotions, I can spot the concern etched on her face.
  • The luxurious hotel had a private beach spot that was the envy of all the other guests.
  • As an experienced photographer, I can spot a great shot from a mile away.
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