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Slowly Definition & Meaning

1. At a leisurely pace; not quickly.

Example: She walked slowly through the park, enjoying the scenery.

2. Gradually; taking a long time to happen or develop.

Example: The company is slowly expanding its operations in new markets.

3. With a low speed or rate of movement.

Example: The car was moving slowly in heavy traffic.

4. In a way that lacks energy or enthusiasm.

Example: He spoke slowly and with little emotion, as if he didn't really care.

5. In a deliberate or cautious manner.

Example: She reached out slowly to touch the hot stove, testing its temperature before grabbing the pot.

Examples of the word slowly used in sentences.

  • She speaks slowly so I can understand her.
  • He eats his food slowly to savor the flavor.
  • I walk to the park slowly.
  • The turtle moves slowly across the ground.
  • She reads the book slowly to make sure she understands each word.
  • I am always nervous before exams, so I like to read the questions slowly.
  • The sun rose slowly over the mountains, casting a golden glow over everything.
  • The old woman walked slowly with the help of her cane.
  • The tortoise moved slowly but steadily towards the finish line.
  • John likes to savour his coffee slowly, enjoying every sip.
  • I am trying to lose weight, so I have been eating slowly at every meal.
  • We should approach the new project slowly to make sure we don't make mistakes.
  • The sun slowly set behind the mountains, casting a beautiful orange and pink glow in the sky.
  • The old man walked slowly with his cane along the path in the park.
  • She read the instructions slowly and carefully to avoid any confusion.
  • The elderly man walked slowly across the street, leaning on his cane for support.
  • The tortoise moved slowly but steadily towards the finish line, determined to win the race.
  • As she began to wake up from her deep sleep, her eyes slowly opened to take in the dimly lit room.
  • The snail crept slowly across the sidewalk, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
  • With each passing day, the sun slowly dips below the horizon, signaling the end of another day.
  • She began to speak slowly, carefully choosing every word to convey her thoughts.
  • The sun was setting slowly, painting the sky with a warm orange hue.
  • As he descended the spiral staircase, he felt his fear slowly dissipating into excitement.
  • Walking through the forest, she moved slowly to avoid stepping on any fragile wildflowers.
  • Slowly but steadily, she was making progress on her novel, one chapter at a time.
  • Slowly but surely, her dedication to her work paid off and she achieved her dream job.
  • The intricate details of the painting were revealed slowly, captivating the audience with its beauty.
  • With each passing moment, the city skyline slowly faded into the distance as the train pulled away from the station.
  • The elderly couple walked slowly hand in hand, savoring every moment of their sunset years.
  • As the sun set over the horizon, the waves of the ocean slowly calmed down, creating a peaceful atmosphere.
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