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Slightly Definition & Meaning

1. To a small degree or extent.

Example: She was slightly nervous before her job interview.

2. Somewhat, moderately.

Example: The coffee was slightly too hot for my taste.

3. In a gentle or delicate manner.

Example: He spoke to her slightly, trying not to disturb her concentration.

4. In a way that is not completely accurate or exact.

Example: The estimate was slightly off, but still within the expected range.

5. In a way that is not significant or important.

Example: The difference in price was only slightly higher at the other store.

Examples of the word slightly used in sentences.

  • My friend is slightly shorter than me, but we still enjoy playing basketball together.
  • I'm feeling slightly hungry, but not enough to eat a whole meal.
  • The dress is slightly too big for me, I need to get it altered.
  • The teacher was slightly disappointed with our test results.
  • The water in the pool is slightly chilly.
  • The coffee is slightly bitter, but still drinkable.
  • The cake needs to bake for slightly longer to be fully cooked.
  • The price of the shirt was slightly higher than I expected.
  • She was slightly late for the meeting due to the heavy traffic.
  • The weather is slightly chilly, so don’t forget your sweater.
  • His tone of voice was slightly sarcastic when he made the comment.
  • The weather forecast predicted slightly cooler temperatures tomorrow.
  • The new haircut made her look slightly different.
  • She was slightly disappointed with the outcome of the project.
  • The road was slightly wet after a light rain shower.
  • The new coffee blend had a slightly bitter taste, but it was still enjoyable.
  • I could see a slightly puzzled expression on her face as she tried to understand the complicated instructions.
  • The temperature dropped slightly, causing a chill to run down my spine.
  • I felt slightly embarrassed as I stumbled over my words during the presentation.
  • The dress was slightly too big, but with some minor alterations, it fit perfectly.
  • He was slightly disappointed with his exam score, but he knew he could improve with more effort and dedication.
  • The speech was slightly boring at first, but it gradually captured the audience's attention with its compelling content.
  • The aroma of freshly brewed coffee slightly perked up my senses on a cold winter morning.
  • The painting appeared slightly crooked on the wall, but it still added to the ambiance of the room.
  • Despite the slight difference in their opinions, the team managed to come up with a productive solution.
  • The lithe athlete grinned slightly as he effortlessly broke the world record in the 100-meter sprint.
  • The surgeon's hands trembled slightly with anticipation as she prepared to perform the delicate operation on the patient's spinal cord.
  • The sophisticated palette of the wine connoisseur could detect the slightly earthy undertones in the vintage bottle.
  • The romantic comedy was slightly predictable, but still managed to charm the audience with its clever dialogue and relatable characters.
  • The CEO's brows furrowed slightly as she listened to the report, trying to discern any weaknesses in the financial projections.
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