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Shout Definition & Meaning

1. To yell loudly or forcefully.

Example: "i had to shout to be heard over the loud music."

2. To express anger or frustration by shouting.

Example: "don't shout at me, it's not my fault!"

3. To call out or summon someone by shouting.

Example: "i shouted for my dog to come back, but he kept running."

4. To cheer or applaud loudly.

Example: "the crowd shouted and cheered as the band took the stage."

5. To announce something loudly or publicly.

Example: "the speaker shouted the news of the victory to the waiting crowd."

Examples of the word shout used in sentences.

  • "The coach shouted at the team for not putting in enough effort during the game." (sports)
  • "I had to shout for help when I got lost in the woods." (outdoors and travel)
  • "Please don't shout in the library, it's very quiet here." (everyday situation)
  • "My little sister always shout when she's excited to see me after school." (family and relationships)
  • "The crowd shouted with joy when the band played their favorite song." (music and entertainment)
  • He had to shout his order at the busy coffee shop.
  • Don't shout in the library, you'll disturb others.
  • Please don't shout at me, I'm trying my best.
  • I could hear my neighbors shouting at each other last night.
  • The teacher had to shout to get the students' attention.
  • I had to shout at my friend to get her attention because she was too busy looking at her phone.
  • I didn't mean to shout, but I was so angry that I couldn't control my voice.
  • The coach shouted instructions to the players on the field during the soccer game.
  • My colleague had to shout to be heard over the loud music at the company party.
  • When my dog saw the mailman, he started to bark and shout at the window.
  • Frustrated with the terrible service, the man began to shout at the waiter in the restaurant.
  • The teacher had to shout for the students at the back of the class to pay attention and stop chatting.
  • Despite being told to quiet down, the children continued to shout and play.
  • Anna's excitement was palpable as she gave a loud shout of joy upon opening her birthday gift.
  • The coach had to shout in order to make his voice heard over the noise of the crowd.
  • The speaker's passionate argument caused the audience to shout in agreement, creating a powerful sense of unity.
  • Despite her hoarse throat, she continued to shout until her voice drowned out the deafening noise of the crowd.
  • In times of emergency, it is best to shout out for help rather than suffer in silence.
  • It is not productive to shout and argue during a disagreement; instead, take a step back and find a rational solution.
  • The coach's shout echoed throughout the gym as he scolded the team for their poor performance.
  • In the heat of the moment, he let out a triumphant shout as he crossed the finish line.
  • The coach urged his players to shout words of encouragement to their teammates on the field.
  • Although she tried to remain calm, the frustration boiled over and she let out an angry shout.
  • Despite the noise and commotion, the speaker managed to capture everyone's attention with a powerful shout.
  • The children giggled as they shouted out the answers to the teacher's questions during the interactive lesson.
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