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Security Definition & Meaning

1. Security refers to the state of being protected from harm or danger. for example, a security guard is hired to ensure the safety of a building and its occupants.


2. Security can also refer to measures taken to prevent unauthorized access or theft. for example, a password-protected computer is more secure than one without any security measures.


3. Security can also refer to a financial investment that is considered low-risk. for example, government bonds are often seen as a secure investment option.


4. Security can also refer to a feeling of safety and protection. for example, a child may feel more secure when they are with their parents.


5. Security can also refer to a department or agency responsible for protecting a country or organization from threats. for example, the department of homeland security is responsible for protecting the united states from terrorist attacks.


Examples of the word security used in sentences.

  • Security guards are hired to protect valuable items in a museum.
  • The airport ran a thorough security check on my luggage before my flight.
  • I feel safe knowing that there are security cameras around the parking lot.
  • The bank increased their online security measures to protect their customers' personal information.
  • My parents always remind me to lock the doors for added home security.
  • This online transaction requires a security code to ensure your personal information is protected.
  • The government's top priority is national security and keeping citizens safe from threats both foreign and domestic.
  • I always feel more secure when I have my phone with me in case of an emergency.
  • It's important to have good home security measures in place to protect your family and belongings.
  • The security guard at the airport made sure nobody entered the restricted area without proper clearance.
  • The government has tightened security measures in public places to prevent terrorist attacks.
  • With the increasing cases of cyberattacks, people are becoming more aware of the importance of digital security.
  • It is essential to install a good security system in your home to protect your valuables and loved ones.
  • I always carry my identification card with me for security purposes, especially when traveling to foreign countries.
  • The company has implemented strict security protocols to ensure the safety of their confidential data.
  • The government is investing millions of dollars in national security to prevent terrorist attacks.
  • The company has implemented strict security measures to protect their valuable data.
  • The security guard at the airport was thorough in checking passengers' identification.
  • The security camera footage was crucial in solving the burglary case.
  • Installing a home security system can give homeowners peace of mind when they are away.
  • Despite the increase in security measures, cyber attacks continue to pose a significant threat to businesses worldwide.
  • In order to maintain security in the workplace, it is important to establish clear protocols for handling confidential information and sensitive data.
  • The rise of nationalism and populism in many countries has led to a growing emphasis on border security and tighter immigration controls.
  • For many people, financial security is a top priority when making long-term investment decisions.
  • The government has a responsibility to ensure the security and protection of its citizens through effective law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
  • For many residents of the city, adding a home security system is a top priority, given the high rate of burglaries and break-ins in the area.
  • The CEO emphasized the importance of maintaining a culture of security awareness within the organization, from using complex passwords to regularly updating software and hardware.
  • As a high-profile public figure, the politician traveled with a team of security agents who were trained to identify and neutralize potential threats.
  • The recent security breach at the airport has raised concerns about passenger safety and led to increased scrutiny of checkpoint procedures.
  • In the age of cybercrime, maintaining robust security protocols is essential for any organization that wants to protect its sensitive information from the threat of hackers.
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