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Representative Definition & Meaning

1. A person or thing that stands for or represents someone or something else.

Example: The elected representative spoke on behalf of his constituents at the town hall meeting.

2. A person who is authorized to act on behalf of another person or organization.

Example: The lawyer acted as a representative for the defendant in court.

3. A typical or characteristic example of a particular group or category.

Example: The painting is a representative example of the artist's style.

4. A member of a legislative body who is elected to represent a particular area or group of people.

Example: The representative from the 5th district introduced a bill to improve public transportation.

5. A salesperson or agent who represents a company or product.

Example: The representative from the car dealership helped me choose the perfect vehicle for my needs.

Examples of the word representative used in sentences.

  • Sarah is a representative of the student council in our school.
  • They appointed a new representative to oversee the construction project.
  • The representative from the embassy is here to assist you with your visa application.
  • The representative of the charity organization thanked the donors for their contribution.
  • My friend is a representative of his company.
  • The painting in the museum is a good representative of the artist's style.
  • The customer service representative was very helpful in resolving my issue with the product.
  • The elected representative spoke about the importance of education in his speech.
  • The representative from the company will be attending the meeting tomorrow.
  • The politician promised to be a strong representative for her constituents in parliament.
  • The representative from our company will be attending the conference next week.
  • The union representative negotiated a fair contract for the employees.
  • The painting is a representative example of the artist's style.
  • Our elected representative promised to prioritize education funding in their campaign.
  • The sales representative provided us with a detailed demonstration of the new product.
  • The union representative spoke on behalf of the employees during the negotiations with the management.
  • As a company representative, I have to ensure that our clients are satisfied with our products and services.
  • The data collected from the sample was representative of the population and could be used for statistical analysis.
  • The painting is a representative example of the artist's style from that period.
  • The elected representative promised to address the concerns of the community and work towards their betterment.
  • The lawyer advised that the representative of the estate be careful with the allocation of funds to avoid legal disputes.
  • As a representative of the company, she eloquently presented their new product line to the potential investors.
  • The government's representative attempted to broker a peace deal with the warring factions but the talks failed.
  • The American flag is a representative symbol of the nation's history and values.
  • The student council elected a representative from each grade to advocate for their needs and concerns.
  • The government's representative promised to address the concerns of the protesting citizens.
  • The teacher chose a student representative to voice the class's opinions during the school council meeting.
  • The artist's painting represented a beautiful and serene landscape, which received critical acclaim.
  • The athlete was the country's representative in the international competition, and she emerged victorious with a gold medal.
  • The company's representative explained the new product features to the investors in detail.
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