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Remark Definition & Meaning

1. A comment or observation made about something or someone.

Example: "she made a remark about the weather being too hot for her liking."

2. A written or spoken statement that expresses an opinion or judgement.

Example: "his remarks about the company's financial situation were very insightful."

3. To notice or take note of something.

Example: "i couldn't help but remark on how beautiful the sunset was."

4. To make a brief mention or reference to something.

Example: "he remarked briefly on his experience working in the industry."

5. To mark or distinguish something as noteworthy or significant.

Example: "the event was remarkable for its high turnout and positive feedback."

Examples of the word remark used in sentences.

  • She made a remark about the delicious smell coming from the kitchen.
  • I couldn't help but remark on how clean and tidy their house was.
  • I remarked that the weather outside is really nice today.
  • My teacher made a remark about my good performance in class.
  • He remarked that his favorite color is blue.
  • He couldn't help but remark on how beautiful the sunset was.
  • She made a remark about the delicious food at the restaurant.
  • John's remark about the movie sparked a lively discussion among his friends.
  • The teacher remarked on how well the students had done on their tests.
  • Sarah's boss remarked that she was doing an excellent job on her project.
  • The teacher's remark on the student's essay paved the way for improvement in writing skills.
  • The guest's remark on the hotel's cleanliness was noted by the staff for immediate action.
  • After a long silence, the speaker made a remarkable remark that caught everyone's attention.
  • The trainer's remark about the team's performance motivated them to strive for better results.
  • Despite her impeccable skills, the manager always had a remark about the employee's attire.
  • His sarcastic remark at the end of the meeting left everyone in silence.
  • After giving her speech, she received a positive remark from the audience.
  • When I visited the museum, I couldn't help but remark on the beautiful artwork displayed.
  • Despite the fact that he had received criticism, he remained silent and made no remark.
  • The teacher made a remark about the excellent quality of the student's writing.
  • The professor's remark on the importance of creative thinking stayed with the students long after the lecture ended.
  • The audience was impressed with the speaker's remarkable insights on the future of technology.
  • When his friend remarked on his weight loss, he felt a sense of accomplishment and pride.
  • Despite her excellent performance, the only remark her boss had was that she could improve her communication skills.
  • The critic's remark about the lack of originality in the film sparked a heated debate among movie-goers.
  • It's remarkable how quickly the new employee picked up on the company's complex procedures and policies.
  • The customer's off-handed remark about the service was taken seriously by the restaurant's management team.
  • Despite the remarkable advancements in technology, many people still prefer traditional forms of communication.
  • The athlete's remarkable performance in the tournament earned him a standing ovation from the crowd.
  • The speaker's opening remarks were met with a thunderous applause from the audience.
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