The students finished their exams, but there is still half an hour remaining in the class.
The last customer in the store bought the last remaining item on the shelf.
I checked my bank account, and I only have $20 remaining for the week.
There is only one slice of pizza remaining on the plate.
The sun is setting, and there are only a few minutes remaining before it's completely dark.
After completing the first four chapters, I only have six more remaining in my novel.
Despite the heavy rain, a few visitors still decided to explore the remaining sections of the park.
After finishing my meal, there were only a few pieces of chicken remaining on my plate.
Sadly, there are only a few remaining pandas left in the world due to habitat destruction and poaching.
The remaining days of summer vacation are quickly running out, so let's make the most of them.
With only ten minutes remaining until the deadline, she worked frantically to finish her essay.
After the long hike, only a few of us had the energy remaining to complete the final stretch.
Despite the heavy rain, the remaining fans cheered on their team until the very end of the game.
Due to budget cuts, there were no remaining funds to hire additional staff for the department.
The remaining slices of pizza were quickly snatched up by the hungry party-goers.
The remaining pieces of the puzzle were challenging to fit together.
The farmer had to sell off the remaining cattle to cover his expenses.
Only a few seats were remaining for the concert, so I quickly bought them online.
Despite being exhausted, she managed to finish the remaining tasks before going to bed.
The remaining crew members were picked up by a passing ship after their boat sank.
The remaining players on the team rallied together to win the championship game.
After the merger, the company struggled with the remaining debt from the previous owner.
Despite the remaining uncertainty, we decided to take the risk and invest in the start-up.
The remaining time on the clock was just enough for him to score the winning goal.
Even though we finished the project early, we still had a lot of remaining work to do.
The remaining guests are expected to arrive shortly, so please make sure everything is ready.
Despite the remaining obstacles, the team managed to complete the project on time.
After months of traveling, the explorer finally reached the remote village with only a few remaining supplies.
The remaining traces of the ancient civilization offer a fascinating glimpse into their way of life.
In the remaining minutes of the game, the underdog team made a miraculous comeback and won the championship.