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Recently Definition & Meaning

1. Recently means a short time ago or not long ago.

Example: I recently visited my grandparents in the countryside.

2. Recently means in the recent past or in the latest period of time.

Example: Recently, there has been a surge in demand for online shopping.

3. Recently means in the immediate past or just before the present.

Example: I have recently started a new job in the marketing department.

4. Recently means lately or in the last few days, weeks, or months.

Example: I have been feeling stressed recently due to my workload.

5. Recently means newly or freshly, indicating something that has just happened or been introduced.

Example: The company recently launched a new product line.

Examples of the word recently used in sentences.

  • I bought a new phone recently and it's much faster than my old one.
  • I started eating healthier recently and I feel much better.
  • I recently went on a holiday to the beach.
  • I saw a movie recently and it was really good.
  • I started learning Spanish recently and it's been a challenge.
  • My friend recently got engaged and is now busy planning her wedding.
  • I went on a trip to Italy recently and tried the best pizza I've ever had.
  • Recently, my sister started taking dance lessons and has become a much better dancer.
  • Recently, I've been feeling stressed at work and needed to take a break.
  • I recently bought a new phone, and it's been working perfectly so far.
  • Recently, I've started taking up yoga classes to improve my overall health.
  • Recently, I've been trying to cut down on my screen time and spend more time doing outdoor activities.
  • Recently, I watched a documentary about climate change and it really opened my eyes to the severity of the issue.
  • I visited my grandparents recently and we spent the entire day reminiscing about old times.
  • My brother got a new job recently and he's really happy with his new work environment.
  • I recently finished reading a fascinating book about the history of the Silk Road.
  • The company I work for recently announced they'll be implementing a new telecommuting policy.
  • Recently, I've been trying to cut back on my caffeine intake.
  • My sister and her husband recently got married on a beach in Bali.
  • Recently, I've become more interested in cooking and have been trying out new recipes.
  • I recently read a fascinating article about the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and its potential impact on society.
  • Recently, I had the pleasure of traveling to a remote island in the Pacific and experiencing its unique culture and natural beauty.
  • I recently took up jogging as a way to improve my physical fitness and relieve stress after a long day at work.
  • Recently, I've been trying to expand my cultural horizons by attending various art exhibitions and theater performances.
  • My company recently implemented a new policy regarding remote work, which has drastically improved work-life balance.
  • I recently had the most amazing meal at a new restaurant in town that has completely set the bar for culinary excellence.
  • Recently, I have been feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the opportunities that lay ahead.
  • I recently attended a creative writing workshop and it has completely transformed the way I approach storytelling.
  • Despite having traveled extensively, I recently discovered a hidden gem of a destination that completely stole my heart.
  • One of the more challenging aspects of my job has been the need to constantly adapt and stay current with the recently evolving industry trends.
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