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Quarter Definition & Meaning

1. One fourth of something, typically a year or a dollar.

Example: "i only have a quarter left of my allowance for the week."

2. A section or area of a city or town.

Example: "the financial district is located in the southern quarter of the city."

3. A unit of weight equal to 25 pounds.

Example: "the farmer sold a quarter of beef to the local butcher."

4. A period of 15 minutes in a game or match.

Example: "the basketball game is in its final quarter."

5. A coin worth 25 cents in the united states.

Example: "i need a quarter to use the vending machine."

Examples of the word quarter used in sentences.

  • I would like a quarter of cheese pizza, please.
  • I have a quarter in my pocket for the gumball machine.
  • I need to pay a quarter of my rent by the end of the week.
  • The school bell rings every quarter hour.
  • It takes a quarter of an hour to walk to the store.
  • I drank a quarter of the bottle of water already.
  • Can you give me a quarter so I can buy some candy from the vending machine?
  • The store is having a sale where everything is a quarter off.
  • The teacher gave us a quarter of an hour to finish the quiz.
  • I'll meet you at the library at a quarter to five.
  • I need to make a phone call in a quarter of an hour, can you wait for me here?
  • The company's profits increased by a quarter this year compared to the previous one.
  • Her birthday is in the last quarter of the year, around November or December.
  • Our football team was leading 3-0, but we lost in the last quarter of the game.
  • I'd like to have a quarter of a pound of ham and a slice of cheese, please.
  • The company's revenue increased by 25% in the third quarter of the year, thanks to a successful marketing strategy.
  • I usually drink a quarter of a liter of water every hour when I'm exercising to stay hydrated.
  • Having grown up in a small town, I miss the charming quarter of the city where I used to live when I moved to a big metropolis.
  • I'm sorry, I can't meet you at exactly a quarter to seven, but I'll be there at seven sharp.
  • The university offers a quarter system, which means there are four terms in an academic year instead of two semesters.
  • The teacher allotted a quarter of the class period for group discussion on the topic.
  • The historical monument has stood in the old quarter of the city for centuries, attracting thousands of visitors every year.
  • The clock chimed a quarter past the hour, signaling the start of the meeting.
  • The quarterly financial report showed a strong quarter for the company, exceeding expectations.
  • She was awarded a quarter scholarship for her outstanding academic achievements.
  • The museum's exhibition showcased a wide range of artistic styles from various quarters of the world, highlighting cultural differences and similarities.
  • As CEO I was happy to report a noteworthy increase in our profits for the last quarter, exceeding market expectations.
  • The new restaurant in town has quickly become popular for its quarter pounder burger, which is said to be one of the best in the city.
  • The apartment complex has a strict policy regarding noise levels after quarter past ten in the evening in order to ensure a peaceful living environment for all residents.
  • In order to complete the project on time, our team decided to divide the workload into quarters and assign specific tasks to each member.
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