Sometimes when I am alone at home, I pretend to be a famous singer and sing loudly.
When my sister and I play together, we often pretend to be on a treasure hunt.
My little brother likes to pretend that he is a pirate and searches for hidden treasure.
I like to pretend that I am a superhero when I play with my friends.
I pretend to be a chef when I cook in the kitchen with my mom.
They pretended to be angry with each other, but it was just a joke.
She pretended to understand the instructions, but she was actually lost.
If you pretend to be confident, people will think you are.
I pretend to be a superhero when I'm playing with my little brother.
He likes to pretend he's a famous musician when he plays his guitar.
Jack pretended to be sick so he could stay home from school and play video games.
I often pretend I'm a famous chef when I'm cooking dinner for my family.
Sarah pretended to be interested in the conversation, but she was really just bored.
My little sister likes to pretend she's a princess whenever she wears her favorite dress.
The actor pretended to be surprised when he won the award, but he had secretly expected it all along.
Don't pretend you know everything about the topic when you're clearly clueless.
It's not healthy to pretend everything is okay when you're struggling with a mental health issue.
Sometimes, I like to pretend I'm on a tropical island when I'm stuck in traffic.
The children love to pretend they are superheroes and save the day.
I don't want to hurt my friend's feelings, so I'll just pretend that I like her new haircut.
She pretended to enjoy the party, but in reality, she was counting the minutes until she could leave.
She pretended to be sick to avoid attending the meeting, but her boss saw right through her ruse.
As a child, he loved to pretend he was an astronaut and explore imaginary planets in his backyard.
He couldn't resist pretending to be a secret agent while completing mundane tasks like grocery shopping or filling up his car with gas.
Despite his lack of interest, he pretended to be engaged in the conversation to avoid offending his colleague.
He often pretends not to understand complex topics just to avoid having to engage in intellectual conversations with his colleagues.
She knew she had to pretend to be happy for her friend's success, even though she was secretly envious.
As an actor, she had to pretend to be a doctor for her latest film role.
She pretended to enjoy the party, but in reality, she was counting down the minutes until she could leave.
Despite being a high-level executive, he still likes to pretend he's a pirate when he's out sailing with his friends.