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Presence Definition & Meaning

1. The state or fact of being in a particular place or location.

Example: His presence in the meeting was required.

2. The state of being noticeable or felt by others.

Example: Her presence in the room was commanding.

3. The quality of being influential or having an impact.

Example: The presence of a strong leader can make a significant difference in a team's performance.

4. The state of being available or accessible.

Example: The company's online presence makes it easy for customers to find and purchase their products.

5. The state of being focused and attentive in the current moment.

Example: Mindfulness meditation helps to cultivate a sense of presence and awareness in the present moment.

Examples of the word presence used in sentences.

  • The presence of a police officer made the crowd disperse quickly.
  • The teacher noticed the student's absence more than his presence in the classroom.
  • We could feel the presence of ghosts in the old haunted house.
  • I always feel calm and comfortable in my grandmother's presence.
  • The singer's magnetic presence on stage made the audience cheer louder.
  • I sense the presence of someone behind me, but when I look, no one is there.
  • I always feel safe when my dog is in my presence.
  • She was nervous to give the presentation, so her boss's calming presence helped ease her nerves.
  • His presence at the meeting was needed to finalize the project's details.
  • The teacher's presence in the classroom always made the students feel secure.
  • The presence of her parents at the graduation ceremony brought tears to her eyes.
  • His strong presence in the boardroom always influenced the decision-making process.
  • The calming presence of the ocean never fails to soothe her troubled mind.
  • The presence of pollutants in the air is a growing concern for environmentalists.
  • She could sense the ominous presence of danger lurking around the dark alleyway.
  • It is important to maintain a strong online presence in today's digital age.
  • Despite his absence, the presence of his influence was deeply felt throughout the organization.
  • The mere presence of her ex-husband was enough to make her feel uncomfortable.
  • The actress commanded attention with her magnetic presence on stage.
  • The strong presence of police officers ensured a safe and secure environment for the protest.
  • In order to manifest positive changes in our lives, we must first cultivate a sense of presence and mindfulness in the present moment.
  • Despite his shy demeanor, he exudes a quiet confidence in his presence that commands respect.
  • The presence of a strong leader can inspire and motivate a team to achieve their goals.
  • Her mere presence in the room was enough to cause tension and discomfort among her former colleagues.
  • The calming presence of nature can have a profound effect on our well-being and mental health.
  • Despite her presence being missed at the meeting, her contributions were still acknowledged.
  • His commanding presence in the courtroom made it clear who was in charge.
  • The calming presence of the ocean has always helped her feel at peace.
  • The presence of the famous painter heightened the excitement of the art exhibit opening.
  • The absence of his physical presence was felt, but his spirit lived on in the memories he left behind.
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