Would you prefer to watch a movie or play board games?
I prefer to study in a quiet place than a noisy one.
Jenny prefers dogs as pets rather than cats.
I prefer coffee over tea in the morning.
My sister prefers Italian food to Mexican food.
My sister prefers watching romantic movies over action films.
Most people prefer a warm climate rather than a cold one.
I think many people prefer dogs as pets more than cats.
In my opinion, I prefer shopping in a local store rather than online.
I prefer coffee with milk and sugar in the morning.
Most people prefer a peaceful vacation destination rather than a noisy one.
I prefer drinking tea over coffee in the morning.
My mom always prefers to cook homemade meals instead of ordering takeout.
My friend prefers to watch movies at home rather than going to the cinema.
I prefer to exercise early in the morning rather than in the evening.
My boss prefers that I finish this report by tomorrow morning.
When it comes to traveling, I prefer to explore new cities rather than beach destinations.
Some people prefer to work from home, but I prefer the office environment.
I prefer to watch action movies rather than romantic comedies.
As a vegetarian, I prefer plant-based alternatives to meat products.
As a music enthusiast, I prefer listening to classical music rather than contemporary hits.
I prefer to have all my meetings scheduled in the morning, so I can have the rest of the day to focus on other tasks.
When it comes to traveling, I prefer to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations rather than tourist hotspots.
Although I am a dog-lover, I prefer to keep a cat as a pet because they are more low-maintenance.
As a bookworm, I definitely prefer reading a physical book over an e-book or audiobook.
When it comes to my coffee, I prefer it strong and black with no sugar or cream.
As a seasoned traveler, I prefer to stay in boutique hotels over big chain ones for a more unique experience.
Despite being offered a higher salary at a different company, I prefer to stay at my current job as I value the company culture and my colleagues above all else.
As an artist, I prefer to work with acrylic paint rather than watercolors as I find it easier to control.
While some people prefer high-intensity cardio, I find that slow and steady yoga practice is a better fit for my mind and body.