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Pour Definition & Meaning

1. To cause a liquid to flow from a container in a steady stream.

Example: She poured milk into her cereal bowl.

2. To rain heavily.

Example: It's pouring outside, we should wait a bit before going out.

3. To express or convey one's feelings or thoughts in a heartfelt manner.

Example: She poured out her heart to her best friend.

4. To serve a drink or beverage.

Example: The bartender poured a glass of wine for the customer.

5. To empty out or unload a container of its contents.

Example: He poured the contents of the box onto the table.

Examples of the word pour used in sentences.

  • Ma mère a acheté du lait pour le petit déjeuner.
  • Je vais pour le cinéma avec mes amis ce soir.
  • Je vais pour le travail à huit heures du matin.
  • Il peut pleuvoir, je prendrai un parapluie pour rester sec.
  • Nous allons pour la plage en voiture cet été.
  • You need to pour the mixture into the cake tin carefully.
  • Can you pour some water in my glass, please?
  • I always pour milk in my coffee.
  • He loves to pour maple syrup on his pancakes.
  • She likes to pour herself a glass of wine after work.
  • He decided to pour his savings into starting his own business.
  • It started to rain heavily and the water poured down the street.
  • She poured her heart out to her friend about her struggles with anxiety.
  • Could you please pour me a glass of water?
  • I always pour milk into my coffee before adding sugar.
  • John quickly poured bleach into the sink to disinfect it.
  • I need to pour more water into the pot to make the soup.
  • He carefully poured the hot coffee into a travel mug for the road trip.
  • We should pour our efforts into finding a solution to this problem.
  • She decided to pour out her heart and tell him everything she was feeling.
  • As a connoisseur of coffee, I always pour the water slowly and precisely to achieve the perfect brew.
  • The heavy rain continued to pour down, causing floods and major disruptions to the city's transport system.
  • I decided to pour my heart out to my best friend and share my deepest fears and anxieties with her.
  • My grandmother used to pour her wisdom into my young mind through stories and parables that I still hold dear today.
  • In order to make a delicious chocolate cake, you need to pour melted chocolate into the batter mixture and stir thoroughly.
  • The artist carefully poured the thick, glistening paint onto the canvas, creating textured peaks and valleys that brought her vision to life. (Art)
  • The sommelier deftly poured the rich, full-bodied wine into my glass, allowing its aroma to waft delightfully through the air. (Food & Drink)
  • She didn't want to pour all of her savings into the investment, but realized that it was worth taking the risk for the potential rewards. (Finance)
  • Despite his best efforts, the clumsy server managed to pour hot coffee all over the customer's lap, causing a minor embarrassment and scalding. (Etiquette)
  • As the downpour continued throughout the night, the streets of the city began to flood, creating a hazardous situation for drivers and pedestrians alike. (Weather)
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